Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Leader is Last

to contribute to this Blogg that is. She may well be last in other things too, but that is not relevant here.  

I am so lucky to be part of this adventure. It all started, for me, with that interview on 23 August 2008. The next weekend the team was chosen. Scott, Tim, Corey and Kelly interviewed so well, and I could see that they were all outward going alpha types.

The fun started for me the next day, 31 August 08, with lunch for the chosen ones and the GSE committee at my home. Corey, because he was 'on call', came in his police car with his uniform. Can you imagine the neighbours' comments with a police car labelled "Crime Investigation Unit" parked outside my home for most of the day!

There was a list of tasks that had to be done: I put my name beside the ones that the leader had to do, then I went to the kitchen to get lunch. The four them signed themselves up for the everything else, and they have done it, either singly or working together. It has been great to observe such diligence from fulltime working professionals.

Since then we have had meetings in each of our homes: Tim's, Scott's, Corey's (all in Adelaide metro area) and finally Kelly's in Mildura. At each venue we have reported on our allotted tasks made plans and shared a meal together. Of course most of our planning and decision making has been done via email.  How teams ever got on without email I do not know. Kelly has written on our Mildura weekend. It WAS fun. We did come up with some novel problem solving techniques to solve that maze. 

All of us have been impressed with the Vocational plans that have been made by D7710. Each of us has a vocational mentor who has endeavoured to facilitate the vocation requests that we outlined way back in September 08. Mine is such an exciting program of school  and university visits to observe both the teaching of IT, the training of teachers, and some IT innovations. Wow!

So we have our tickets, insurance, the program outline from D7710, and our travel plans to and from USA. Our 'uniform' has been purchased, badges made, souvenirs organised, brochures and cards printed. 

The presentation which we have to give, possibly 18(?) times is shaping up. It is to have it's first real run through at our Farewell dinner on Monday 23rd, before what will be quite a large crowd of ~150.  DG Peter Shipp will be present, together with the GSE committee,  members from sponsoring rotary clubs, and our close friends and family. It will also be meeting #1990 of my club: RC of Campbelltown, membership 79, with partners invited. Who's getting nervous?

The remaining days will simply fly.
Watch this space!

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