Monday, April 27, 2009

Dancing Queen - shaggin' with 16 different men in one night!

Last night we had a sensational time at the Governor's dinner at the annual district Rotary conference in Wilmington. Wilmington is a town on the south coast of North Carolina and it ROCKS! We had a ball. More about the conference in another blog (I am taking a leaf out of Pearson's book and doing multiple, short(ish) blogs).

At the conclusion of formalities, the DJ brought the house down with his first song choice, 'Down Under' but then mysteriously swapped it for Rolf Harris's 'Home Among the Gum Trees'. Scott and I took to the dance floor in front of EVERYONE to display our (my) very bad dance moves. I seem to recall that they were much, much better the night before at the bar 'Hell's Kitchen' but then that may have had something to do with the beer consumption rates come to think of it.

But the belle of the ball was Princess Margaret. We had photographers standing by to snap EVERY single one of Margaret's shag partners. She was shaggin' her heart out (to those in Australia, shagging is a dance, not an act of passion). To be fair, most approached her to shag as she was looking especially gorgeous in her flowing ball gown last night.

Here's no. 1 which of course had to be DG Don (hold onto your hats, there are many more beaus to come) ...

Margaret, note to self; maintain eye contact at all times

She did not forget her team mates (Tim, it is wonderful what a camera can do - you actually look coordinated and rythmic)

Big bad Scotty places a protective arm around Margaret as they prepare to dance

Here's no. 4, Neil, and Margaret looks ecstatic in this double-overhead combined hand manoeuvre

Ned, no. 5, did an awesome twist

Princess Margaret got carried away with Peace Fellow, Marios, from Cypress

Of course Lacey was not about to be left out of the danceathon

There was even some girly action when Margaret and I tore up the dance floor

Jimbo is looking rather pleased with his catch here!

The ever smooth Italian past Peace Fellow, speaks the language of love to Margaret, through movement

Dr Tom was not to be left out and he has some moves left in him, that's for sure!

Corey went cheek to cheek with his 'Cap'n oh Cap'n'

Bill from Durham met us before we were actually hosted in his region (I am not so sure this was a smart thing but he reassured us that they would still take us)

The distinguished Bart, swept Margaret off her feet with his height, dance moves and red tie

Art and Margaret share some boogie night style dancin' which was lovely to see

The DJ, after some misinterpretation of my instructions, finally abandoned his first choice of partner to dance with Margaret to be her 16th dance partner of the night.

But wait, there's more. Tonight we went for a gorgeous cruise on Holt Lake with our hosts, Gary and Linda. This followed a delightful dinner of barbequed Mahi Mahi fish sprinkled with roasted almonds, accompanied by baby red potatoes, home-made coleslaw and garlic bread (Linda is a whizz in the kitchen).

Bet you can't guess; Margaret conned her 17th dance partner into some moves aboard his pontoon boat. Surpised? I'm not! Although, I did take a few tips from that leader of ours, as you can see in the photo following ...

Some more photos to rub it into all of you guys out there who weren't cruising on a lake on Sunday evening.

OK, so it wasn't all that short(ish) but I tried. Having so many photos blew it out. Give a girl a break!



Anonymous said...

Wow Margaret can really dance! Bit worried about what you are doing in the background of one of the photos Kel. It is good to see you are all still enjoying yourselves and not getting bored. Ha. Ha. Mares

B.J. Deal said...

Margaret, you were the hit of the Dance Floor. I wasn't sure if Big John, our DJ, was dancing or squeezing! What a fun group you all are! Thank you for making our Conference a success with Scott's auction skills and Kelly's demonstrating skills, oh, and Corey's booty shaking! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.