Thursday, May 7, 2009

Goodbye NC & Thanks to Y'all

Our adventure in District 7710 is over.
That we have all had a wonderful time is an understatement. 
From the bottom of our hearts we say Thank You
  • to inbound GSE coordinator Mary, for all the preparatory work done before we arrived, the organisation of a great program and its collation into our invaluable 'bible' of reference, and for your support in so many ways while we were here.
  • to DG Don & BJ for inviting us to your District Conference; we had a great time, as some blog pictures attest.
  • to each area coordinator for the fun we had when we came to your neck of the woods, and for looking after us so well
  • to each of our hosts for making us feel like family while we were staying with you
  • to our vocational advisors for showing us each our vocation in your district; we have some great ideas to take back home
  • to each of you who have done things for us, and fed us so well.
  • to each club for listening so attentively to our presentation, and for laughing at our jokes
We have enjoyed meeting y'all and learning about your culture, especially the shagging (that's a special sort of slow jive dance for you Oz readers). We have loved your crazy sense of humour, which is so good it's almost Australian.
Most of all we have been overwhelmed by your hospitality and 'gob smacked' by your generosity. We hope we can repay some of your kindness, by you visiting us 'down under', which as Corey says is 'really on top'.  Come see how we do barbecue, taste our beers and wines, and enjoy the beach!
Eventually we will be sending you CD's of some of the best of our pictures and there may even be some webpages produced, but that will have to wait until we get home. 

In the meantime a few pictures from my camera. 

Photos from our last presentations in Durham
In our formal gear, and our informal red shirts.

I am going home via Calgary then London. A walk in the Kananaskis hills here produced these gems, which I have called 'Alberta Hushpuppies', because they are the same size and shape as the ones you make.  The footprint in the snow, will not give you the clue to the maker either.

It's hard to say goodbye, because I hope we'll meet again.
'Au Revoir' from your GSE team from D9520 Australia:
Kelly, Corey, Scott, Tim and Margaret

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Margaret, I could almost hear the tears in your voice. I'll bet you are all sad to leave but at the same time looking forward to coming home to family. I do hope you have found your suitcase by now and have a great trip home. It sounds like you have been the best Den Mother to your fantastic team. Mares.