Thursday, May 7, 2009

Goodbye NC & Thanks to Y'all

Our adventure in District 7710 is over.
That we have all had a wonderful time is an understatement. 
From the bottom of our hearts we say Thank You
  • to inbound GSE coordinator Mary, for all the preparatory work done before we arrived, the organisation of a great program and its collation into our invaluable 'bible' of reference, and for your support in so many ways while we were here.
  • to DG Don & BJ for inviting us to your District Conference; we had a great time, as some blog pictures attest.
  • to each area coordinator for the fun we had when we came to your neck of the woods, and for looking after us so well
  • to each of our hosts for making us feel like family while we were staying with you
  • to our vocational advisors for showing us each our vocation in your district; we have some great ideas to take back home
  • to each of you who have done things for us, and fed us so well.
  • to each club for listening so attentively to our presentation, and for laughing at our jokes
We have enjoyed meeting y'all and learning about your culture, especially the shagging (that's a special sort of slow jive dance for you Oz readers). We have loved your crazy sense of humour, which is so good it's almost Australian.
Most of all we have been overwhelmed by your hospitality and 'gob smacked' by your generosity. We hope we can repay some of your kindness, by you visiting us 'down under', which as Corey says is 'really on top'.  Come see how we do barbecue, taste our beers and wines, and enjoy the beach!
Eventually we will be sending you CD's of some of the best of our pictures and there may even be some webpages produced, but that will have to wait until we get home. 

In the meantime a few pictures from my camera. 

Photos from our last presentations in Durham
In our formal gear, and our informal red shirts.

I am going home via Calgary then London. A walk in the Kananaskis hills here produced these gems, which I have called 'Alberta Hushpuppies', because they are the same size and shape as the ones you make.  The footprint in the snow, will not give you the clue to the maker either.

It's hard to say goodbye, because I hope we'll meet again.
'Au Revoir' from your GSE team from D9520 Australia:
Kelly, Corey, Scott, Tim and Margaret

Monday, May 4, 2009

City of Durham

As the last stop on our GSE visit, the city of Durham planned a schedule to ensure it would be as unforgettable as all the others.

Our first full day was a day of vocational visits, which was topped off with a night at the baseball - Durham Bulls vs Charlotte Knights, and of course with the contacts our Rotarian hosts have we were hosted in the owner's box, with luxuries stretching from haircuts (yes, there is a resident hairdresser in the owner's box!) to beer and hotdogs.

The Bulls won convincingly, inspired I'm sure by their mascot's visit to the box where Kel became his number one fan.

Throughout the game we kept close tabs on the North Carolina Hurricanes ice hockey match, which still had less than 10 minutes to go when we had to leave the baseball. A mad dash across to Tyler's Taproom in the American Tobacco Complex allowed us to see the Canes score to level the game, followed very quickly after by a match winning goal that saw the team progress into the next round of the championship. There was much rejoicing!

The following day we crammed a lot in: breakfast and tour at North Carolina Central University, tour of Research Triangle Park and the Federal Environment Protection Agency, presentation to RTP Rotary Club and a tour of Duke University. My host Gaston and his colleague Sam ably guided us around Duke, including the magnificent Duke Chapel, where Gaston tried to kill us by leading us up the long spiral staircase to the top of the tower. While not all made it to the top, we were pleased that all made it safely back to terra firma. Kel had opted to miss the Duke tour as she had scheduled an additional vocational visit (couldn't get enough?). The evening saw us return to Tyler's Taproom where we had a great night with local Rotarians.

The very tall Duke Chapel

Another full day followed: a 7am breakfast presentation to Durham Sunrise club, followed by a brief visit to Trinity College. We went on a walking tour of downtown Durham, which has basically been reinvented in the last 5-6 years, with a lot of the old tobacco warehouses being converted into retail, commercial and residential premises. From what we've heard, Durham has come a long way, and the recent addition of a Performing Arts Centre would indicate the progress is continuing. It has a great feel about it.

Views of the American Tobacco Complex in Durham

After our walking tour we did our 15th and final GSE presentation to the Southwest Durham Club. It was a strange mixture of sadness and relief completing the final presentation - after 5 weeks we've become very comfortable (and rather good!) presenting it to a room full of strangers.

The afternoon was taken up with bowling, shopping at the mall and then a beautiful meal (complete with terrible karaoke!) at Charlie and Jane's house.

The team proudly showing off their bowling shoes

Our stay in Durham ended the following day, as did our GSE. After last minute shopping, packing and the like we sat down for a debrief with the brilliant GSE team from NC: Chair Kaye and Coordinator Mary. This was followed by a beautiful farewell dinner (complete with great Aussie wines) hosted by Phil and Laurie. And just as quickly as it started, the GSE was officially over.

I'm sure others will write to acknowledge the efforts of everyone in NC for making this such an amazing experience, but on behalf of the team I'd like to say thanks to everyone we have come in contact with. You have all be so generous, so welcoming and we have had a brilliant time.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Facing the rapids

Our last day in lovely Lillington saw the ever-bubbly, never short of a wise-crack Bill, face his fears on the Cape Fear itself. The Cape Fear River was navigated by the GSE team (and Bill) in kayaks. There were some rapids, but to tell the truth, the sound was scarier than the action of navigating them.

About to set off downstream on a lovely, leisurely paddle on the Cape Fear River

The most inexperienced kayaker in the GSE team who shall remain nameless capsized in one of the rapids, calling, "Kel, Kel, what do I do?" To which I replied, "Stand up". You see, the river was only 2-3 foot deep at this point. I still laugh about it, in fact I am currently nearly wetting my pants typing this.

Then, as his kayak was filling up with water, he was almost crying as he blabbered in a high pitched voice, "Can we get the water out? How do we get the water out?" I was laughing so hard (heartless I know) that it took me a while to get over to him and empty the boat.

We got him back in and off he went on his merry way again. We had a ball kayaking and thank the Lillington guys for making it happen. Once again, like every club that preceded them, they went out of their way to provide fun things for us to do. THANK YOU EVERYONE.

After our paddle, some of us had a quick swim in the river, hence the drenched look!

We are getting close to the end. Gee it has flown. I am ready to come home though as I miss my kids (and my work if anyone from there is reading this!).

Look forward to catching up with everyone on my return with so many stories to tell. As usual, these stories will be funny, exaggerated and will definitely go somewhere (contrary to what Corey thinks about my stories; that they go nowhere).


Vocational visits done and dusted

My final day of vocational visits included three separate agency departments: Department of Environment and Natural Resources Aquifer Protection, Department of Environment and Natural Resources Water Quality and the Town of Cary (municipality) Engineering department.

I heard about another agency during my travels, that engages with the community in the interests of preserving soil and water resources; the Wake County Soil and Water Conservation District. So I missed one of our scheduled tours (of Duke University which was a big give up let me tell you). Here I met with one of the most affable personalities in the industry, Dale Threatt-Taylor. She is a pleasure to discuss common issues with, and I thoroughly enjoyed our time together. We talked everything from community engagement, delivering on-ground outcomes, to working with partner agencies.

My vocational visits have granted me numerous valuable contacts within the NRM industry in USA. I know that when thinking through new ideas, I can contact one of these people and ask, "Have you ever done, heard of, known someone who's done ...?" And vice versa. This strengthens my kitbag in my profession.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Final vocational visits

Yesterday I had my last three vocational visits, taking in the Museum of Life and Science, Centre for Documentary Studies and Nasher Museum of Art.

At the Museum of Life and Science I met with Troy and Elizabeth, who showed me around and told me about their unique model and how it works. As one child labelled it, it's a Zooseum, a healthy blend of natural history museum, hands on science centre and zoo. Impossible not to have fun here!

The lovely ladies (April, Courtney, Bonnie and Alexa) at the Centre for Documentary Studies took me out for lunch and told me about their centre, which teaches and presents documentary work (photos, film, audio, text).

My final stop was the Nasher, Duke University's art museum. As well as being very jealous of their 3-year-old building, I was impressed with the scope and scale of exhibitions they are producing.

It was a productive day, and a great way to round off my official vocational visits. Over the past month I have been fortunate to meet plenty of NC's museum elite and they have all been very generous with their time and information. The learning and sharing has been really beneficial for me.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Prince does Princess for a day

Ooooohhh, the Prince was a teeny, weeny bit excited when he stepped into the sassy 'Party Girls on the Go' pink limousine. Inside, hot pink vinyl greeted him, as did Hannah Montana on the totally awesome, like, yeah stereo system. Then all the 6-8 yr olds squealed, pushing their way in so his like, totally cool play time in the limo was over.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Rotary Conference at Wilmington

We just returned from the three day conference in the gorgeous beachside town of Wilmington, North Carolina. Firstly, a huge thank you to conference organisers and District 7710 for putting us up in individual hotel rooms. Although we are a close-knit group, it really was just what the doctor ordered, to spend some time in solitude and luxury.

First day saw us settle in and then wander around the streets of Wilmington. Looked into the price of postage for those of us who had been supporting the American economy through shopping, and were unpleasantly surprised. There must be a plan B.

Below is a shot from our hotel room. Nice, I know.

This thoughtful basket greeted us with a note from District 7710 saying, 'Welcome to Wilmington'

At the opening of the conference, a flag ceremony was held to recognise the international spirit of Rotary. Here is the Aussie flag bearer, Scott, after he whacked the flag on the door on the way through.

The team standing by to do their presentation

Up on stage during our presentation. I know it is rude to talk amongst ourselves during this time, but Corey was super-excited and just had to share

Walking along the water to dinner on Friday night. The team in casual clothes, is in fine spirits.

We had a scrumptious seafood dinner, with great conversation and generous friends. Thank you to the 'check fairy' - you know who you are.

After dinner we visited a few places. Here is the accommodating DJ at one, who played all of our requests, including Down Under, Hilltop Hoods (??), Prince and Kylie (OK, so we weren't altogether there at times).

Our presentation went very well, and the crowd (although some had heard it before) still laughed in all the right places.

The SOUGHT-AFTER auctioneer, Scott Endersby, put on a ripper show, auctioning off items that we had brought over and others. A total of $1,870 was raised at auction on the night, which I think was largely due to Scott playing off the UNC, NC State, Duke rivalry.

Congratulations to the Winsteads for taking home the original Aboriginal artwork, with a knockout bid.

I think the auction reached great heights when Corey strutted his stuff and shook his booty whilst displaying some of the artwork.

Thanks to all who supported our endeavours to raise funds for the Rotary Foundation (Polio Plus). Our auctions and artwork we commissioned and paid for ourselves, raised $1,660 for Polio Plus which equates to preventing 16,600 children across the world from contracting Polio. These funds are being submitted to the Rotary Foundation from our host district 7710. We thank you for taking part and are glad we could give a little back.

Sunday saw us head to the US Battleship North Carolina, for a self-guided tour. Lucky for arrows, as it is so humungous that we would've been lost without them. Lovely Karen bought us souvenir hats to mark the occasion; thank you.

Once again, thank you to District 7710 for a professionally-run conference, for looking after us so well and the fellowship, laughter and entertainment!


Dancing Queen - shaggin' with 16 different men in one night!

Last night we had a sensational time at the Governor's dinner at the annual district Rotary conference in Wilmington. Wilmington is a town on the south coast of North Carolina and it ROCKS! We had a ball. More about the conference in another blog (I am taking a leaf out of Pearson's book and doing multiple, short(ish) blogs).

At the conclusion of formalities, the DJ brought the house down with his first song choice, 'Down Under' but then mysteriously swapped it for Rolf Harris's 'Home Among the Gum Trees'. Scott and I took to the dance floor in front of EVERYONE to display our (my) very bad dance moves. I seem to recall that they were much, much better the night before at the bar 'Hell's Kitchen' but then that may have had something to do with the beer consumption rates come to think of it.

But the belle of the ball was Princess Margaret. We had photographers standing by to snap EVERY single one of Margaret's shag partners. She was shaggin' her heart out (to those in Australia, shagging is a dance, not an act of passion). To be fair, most approached her to shag as she was looking especially gorgeous in her flowing ball gown last night.

Here's no. 1 which of course had to be DG Don (hold onto your hats, there are many more beaus to come) ...

Margaret, note to self; maintain eye contact at all times

She did not forget her team mates (Tim, it is wonderful what a camera can do - you actually look coordinated and rythmic)

Big bad Scotty places a protective arm around Margaret as they prepare to dance

Here's no. 4, Neil, and Margaret looks ecstatic in this double-overhead combined hand manoeuvre

Ned, no. 5, did an awesome twist

Princess Margaret got carried away with Peace Fellow, Marios, from Cypress

Of course Lacey was not about to be left out of the danceathon

There was even some girly action when Margaret and I tore up the dance floor

Jimbo is looking rather pleased with his catch here!

The ever smooth Italian past Peace Fellow, speaks the language of love to Margaret, through movement

Dr Tom was not to be left out and he has some moves left in him, that's for sure!

Corey went cheek to cheek with his 'Cap'n oh Cap'n'

Bill from Durham met us before we were actually hosted in his region (I am not so sure this was a smart thing but he reassured us that they would still take us)

The distinguished Bart, swept Margaret off her feet with his height, dance moves and red tie

Art and Margaret share some boogie night style dancin' which was lovely to see

The DJ, after some misinterpretation of my instructions, finally abandoned his first choice of partner to dance with Margaret to be her 16th dance partner of the night.

But wait, there's more. Tonight we went for a gorgeous cruise on Holt Lake with our hosts, Gary and Linda. This followed a delightful dinner of barbequed Mahi Mahi fish sprinkled with roasted almonds, accompanied by baby red potatoes, home-made coleslaw and garlic bread (Linda is a whizz in the kitchen).

Bet you can't guess; Margaret conned her 17th dance partner into some moves aboard his pontoon boat. Surpised? I'm not! Although, I did take a few tips from that leader of ours, as you can see in the photo following ...

Some more photos to rub it into all of you guys out there who weren't cruising on a lake on Sunday evening.

OK, so it wasn't all that short(ish) but I tried. Having so many photos blew it out. Give a girl a break!


Friday, April 24, 2009

Cape Fear River

One of the two major rivers in our area in North Carolina; the Cape Fear. The other one is the Neuse but I don't have a photo of this. It looks similar, trust me.

Margaret teaching

Whilst visiting the fine campus of Campbell University Margaret could not help herself but start a lecture informing the team about the great advances in information technology... all we heard was '.......................................' - except Scott who somehow realised he could stare at a floor tile and be more interested.

Of course this is not the case and the photo was taken in all good fun.

Kelly caught napping on the museum lawns

The best Chinese buffet EVER!

On arrival in Lillington when asked what we wanted for lunch, quick as a flash I sprouted, "Chinese buffet". I had experienced one of these with Poppa Don in our first week and it was great. This one, in the Lillington area, was even better!

Look at the size of our bellies, I mean plates.

I think Corey won with the number of helpings consumed, but perhaps (?) I won with the actual amount consumed. You may notice from recent pictures that I am somewhat more rounded. Let me assure you I am not pregnant; I am merely enjoying the Southern hospitality! During this trip I have discovered an exceptionally scientific equation:

(f + g) - e = mtb + og

f = food
g = grog
e= exercise
mtb = muffin top belly
og = other growth

We had a good day today touring Campbell University, a small private university, in the town of Buies Creek. In the afternoon we took the opportunity to invade Karen's office and occupy every available computer to check emails and do blogs. We knew you'd all be missing them as we hadn't time to scratch our ... hair or do blogs in Raleigh as we were too busy working and partying.

Teacher Margaret asked us a really hard question. I think Scott has the best pondering technique.

Professor Tim, teaching us much ado about nothing.

Us presenting to the Lillington and surrounding clubs with President Peter, Area Coordinator Bill, Rotarian Karen and 7710 Team Leader Gary.

Margaret and I have just arrived at 7710 GSE Team Leader Gary's lake house (yes, so hard to take this lifestyle) and we are off to the district conference tomorrow where we are going to deliver our best presentation EVER! The conference is in the beach town of Wilmington so that will also be fairly hard to take.

We are all having so much fun (and also doing some seriously GREAT WORK). Keep those comments coming on our blog. I think although Mares was slow off the mark, she is making exceptional progress and is perhaps the most dedicated blog post mistress.