Sunday, April 12, 2009

Experiencing American gun and country music culture

Real, or not real? That is the question.

I got to experience guns! Holding them and shooting them. They are a lot heavier than I expected. I had so much fun at target practice. I shot a .357 hand-gun, a little hand-gun that I can't remember the name of but it looked like a toy, a .460 hand-gun (which is a whopper and just about deafened me) and a semi-automatic rifle.

A huge thank you to Ross, for trusting me around guns! Initially he gave me one bullet at a time, until further into our session, he said, "OK, you have shown yourself trustworthy, now you can have two". With the rifle, he gave me four bullets at once! I was quite chuffed.

As I was preparing to shoot, I thought, there I was in a secluded paddock with a guy I had known for two days; was this the most sensible thing to do? So I asked him quickly before we loaded up, "Have I done anything to annoy you lately?" It was hysterical. We laughed and laughed.

On a different note, last night we were treated to some country music and 'shaggin' (it's a type of dance). I also learnt the 'Electric Slide' which was a real hoot. Danced lots to counteract the good beers that kept appearing in front of me.
Jim Quick played beach music apparently, but it was nothing like the 'Cocktail' soundtrack. It was really catchy and good to dance to though. We were in for a treat at theFlaming Star club for, that's for sure. I got asked for ID on the way in!!! Ha, ha.
The main act was Ray Scott, who is a local Roxboro boy, very popular on the country music scene, who had come back to play to his home crowd. The home crowd loved him and we did too. He invited me up on stage and dedicated a song to me (I had met him at dinner before the show and had arranged this little set up).

Kel and Ray

Me with my lovely host family, the Carvers, with of course, Ray Scott!
I don't have a lot of time here to write my customary wordy blog, as we are heading out to a 'Pig Pickin' soon on our first night with our new hosts in Wake County, but the night was an absolute ripper. Best fun I've had in ages.

Yes, that would be me dancing on stage.

Well, off to chat to my hosts. My family has two girls aged 3 and 5yrs so I guess I'll be doing lots of story reading to them, in my funny voice.

Write again soon,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Phwaor! How hot do you look with a gun in your hand Kel? Muz is definitely excited. Just make sure it's controlled... You look like you're in your bloody element and i'm rapt (not wrapped!) I will see if i can get some Elegant Rabbits for you my dear sister.

PS: The souvlaki was awesome.
