Thursday, April 2, 2009

Our Official Welcome to D7710

Photo: The GSE team: Tim, Corey, Kelly, Margaret & Scott with DG Don Bruckner.

All our planning was leading up to this day.
Our first official visit to a Rotary Club in North Carolina. The setting was lovely: The MacGregor Downs Country Club, with an outlook to a lake, dogwood trees, starting to blossom, bulbs in the gardens. We had gone over our presentation the day before, culling many slides to make it all fit in the 20 minutes we were given.

The Rotary Club of Cary Macgregor opens its meetings with prayer, followed by the Oath of Allegiance. President Jim Smith conducted the business of the club, in particular presenting substantial cheques for Polio Plus to District Governor Don Bruckner. The sergeant's session was brief. GSE Chair, DGN Kaye Brown briefly described how this visit to D7710 had been organised and then we were introduced and welcomed by DG Don.

It was now our turn to give our first presentation: Could we do it in the time remaining, half an hour till the end of the meeting at 1:30 pm? Well we made it, with 4 minutes to spare.

Margaret introduced D9520, explaining that D9520 was larger than the state of Nth Carolina. Tim spoke about Adelaide, aboriginal culture, and our native flora and fauna. Scott described our exports, particularly beef, wine and the effects on them of the nine year drought. Kelly's topic was environment and agriculture with special emphasis on the importance of the River Murray. While Corey discussed our festivals, sport and life style, finishing with an invitation to the those present to try some 'Aussie gold' Vegemite. Margaret concluded with some examples of special Rotary projects and how money is raised by clubs for these projects.

The audience response was enthusiastic, they laughed at our jokes, and made extremely flattering comments. What a high!

At 2:30 the team went to the Cary Chamber of Commerce, where we met our vocational advisors and learnt something of the success of Cary as a centre for business. The evening started with drinks at President Jim's, followed for me and Scott with a delicious pot luck dinner for 14 in the home of my hosts Mary and Art Kamm. It was a great finish to a very successful day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well done on getting your 1st presentation out of the way. If I know anything about repeat performances, the timing of jokes, slide transitions, etc. will continue to improve until it becomes 2nd nature.
